Wednesday, September 24, 2008

i guess i should finally post another entry

so awesomely clinicals ended today at 1:00 pm! however this means i have to wait around till my ride person is done with her clinicals.
which makes me annoyed because today is the day i decided not to bring my ipod or other "waiting around" essentials today. so that brings me here...

to be quite honest i have alot of things to say. but i just don't have to time to post. or at the end of the day i am too exhausted to post.
there are two things i would like to say.

number 1: i miss God. life this semester has been moving full speed ahead. it's charging like none other and with my "i am NOT going to fail my adult health" attitude i am busy. this is the busiest i have ever been in regards to school and church. in the midst of all these schedulings, clinicals, school, and being leader i forget to factor in God. My God, my heavenly Father who is waiting to spend some time with me as i just charge right past Him ready to do the next thing. and then He just gets pushed further and further into the corner, where i began to Not notice that He is still there waiting. therefore as i push along this thing called life, i feel that void, that extreme emptiness and longing. what is that?? everything seems to be going okay, but why does my spirit fall into longing? and then i realize i missed God. so now i am missing Him. it amazes me every time at how hectic the semester gets i miss God. i still have QT though they are not as deep, i still pray only they are not as meaningful, i still have the same desires to serve Him and honor Him. however, i missed Him standing there in the corner.
Dear God, i am so sorry. it has only been a week, but i miss you. there really is nothing too important that should tear me away from You. but God, i forget that and i begin to forget the taste of your presence. and as the longing and void enlarges over my heart i ask God, to bring me back to your GRACE and awesome LOVE. because God i know that you miss me too, and i can feel that. take me back, God, take me back. i love you, your wayward daughter, Sofy.

Never mind i only had one thing to say. the second thing is not as important.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

its been almost a year

its been almost a year since i went away.
i stopped because i grew tired and listless. and didn't at the moment have it anymore in me to write, somewhere else other than my journal.
that last blog seemed like such a long time ago... well it was.
and little did i know that when i wrote that blog... my life was going to get hit with a whirlwind of things that i wasn't sure i could brace myself for.
but i survived, stronger and wiser. and i look back, thinking "geez, i guess i was ready... more ready than i thought i was."
btw. i am NOT talking about a boy.

my life happens to be perfectly drama free like that.
pish sometimes your blogs make me laugh out loud... but i am too lazy to comment.