Sunday, October 25, 2009

super tired, but happy

today my nurse preceptor gave me the best comment that i could ever want.
when talking to her about my secret desires to be a flight nurse and work shock trauma.

i never felt confident enough, and i never knew how i would react in emergent situations. in situation in high stress.... i get scared that i would totally freak out.
but yesterday watching discovery health shock trauma... and seeing the nurse riding the helicopter with a guy who had a sliced artery made my mouth drooooool with anxiety. and they get wear RED jumpsuits.

i was explaining all of this to my preceptor, how i was not confident enough....and i think i may be a spazz ball.
but she told me "no sofia. you will stay calm. you are a very calm person.. you would do great at that..."

the nicest thing i have heard from somebody i really respect.
maybe i can be a freaking shock trauma nurse... and ride helicopters.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

update on life....

i am going to try really hard, uber hard to update.
to blog... to express...

how many times this year have a i started a blog post... only to delete and promise to write better and MORE next time.
here is the promise now.

To all seniors who told me that this was the easiest semester, go and flush yourselves down the toilet. This has so far been the most taxing, the workload doesn't make any sense... mixed with the insane bouts of senioritis has made me want to SCREAM "ENOUGH ALREADY WITH STUPID TESTS, and fake quizzes, and GROUP projects..."
this semester is the year of DRAMA in the group projects, a whole lot of crazy caddiness.
but the beautiful thing that pulls me back from wanting to sleep till this semester is over, is the amazing fact that i am almost done!!! Done, done, done, done, done, done.....

and it's wierd, feeling the way i do when i am on the hospital floor putting up IV, giving shots, testing PIV without a thought in the world... not being scared of patients anymore and actually sounding intelligent in front of doctors.
it scares me and yet excites me. and also hits me everytime at even though there is so much i do know, there is a vast amount of stuff i still DO NOT know.
but i am almost done, and i will learn all that i need to know. its going to be great i know it and completely strange when soon instead of saying "hold on, let me ask the nurse..."
realizing that.... "I AM THE NURSE..."

officially i am focus now and no longer in the impact world.
which makes me sad and a bit lost and a bit lonely. you work hard to make your friendships and it gets a bit sad to start all over again. so focus is focus for now, nothing much to say there since i have been too busy to really do much with them.
however timothy has been awesome... fully checked in with the timothy girls and friday night girls' only prayer meetings before friday night have been amazing.
i see so much of myself in these girls... and it makes my heart ache even more to show them "that they have awesome potential in the kingdom of God... and so much more"
Seeing the little bit of change in them week by week, encourages me to say "yes LORD, do as you want with me in their lives..."

work at the financial aid office at school is normal. i do folders and now have been promoted to front desk. i have to answer the phones now and have to listen to crazy students on the entire issue of finances.. touchy touchy subject.
no change there...

urbana 2009

i am now a lifetime fitness memeber.. muhahahahah. i am a gymer... gyming is my game.

glee---- amazing....
flash forward--- partly due to john cho... and then the story line is kind of intense and crazy
greys--- only because i have been watching it for so long
ugly betty---- only because she is FINALLY a feature editor
sytycd--- duhhhh so that i can drool over the dances and feel sad because i can't move like that

current status:
major girl moment... meaning lots of crying watching cheesy commercials and lack of concentration on paper that is due tomorrow.
smacking my watermelon flavored gum and wondering how in the world is the paper going to take shape.
making excuses in my head that writing in my blog will help me... get ready to write my paper for tonight.
i love it when wednesdays are OVER.
you guys all should keep pestering me to keep on updating

till tomorrow is over... have a pleasant moment this week which includes sweet surprises, yummy smelling things, and lots of sunshine.