Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Frozen in time

Yesterday the better part of the night was spent in reading old xanga entries.
there were moments of pure laughter, moments of regrets, and moments of awe in seeing where i am in life right now. that xanga encompassed about 3 years of my life, i was a very faithful blogger.
but somewhere down the road the magic died and the surge of delight i had when it came to expressing myself by punching with ambition on a computer keyboard kind of faded away.

so i thought, i would start again.
and maybe revamp my site again. also to make it public that i have blogspot, i realized the reason i loved blogging before was that a majority of my joy stemmed from the fact that i was writing for somebody to read. after i made this "secret" blog there was no one to write to.
so here i go again.

sitting at a barnes and noble on the second floor.
jazz music is playing in the background and a couple next time has a conversation in a foreign tongue. the sound of pages being turned and the occasional cellphone spewing out a ringtone.
i look out the window to watch people milling around, milling around to the soundtrack of life.
electric snowflakes suspended in the air, to declare the time of overspending and panic rushed emotions of holidays is drawing ever near.
cars crawling with their headlights brightly lit, and for one brief second frozen in time, everything.