Saturday, September 29, 2007

sneaking on-line shopping....

just became a victim again.
they seem to have a really good sale on line right now, which means wasted time online. and my bankcard crying.

i limited myself to three items. one grey turtleneck, a jade colored trapeze dress, and a cute polka dot trapeze shirt.... i am really liking the fall selections for fashion this year.

empire waistlines make me think of "pride and prejudice" and they elegantly hide my tummy, while giving me some more definition to what little boobage i have.
and trapeze dresses are just cute.. with alot of body room.

the colors make me happy... and for one brief moment i am looking forward to colder weather. which means snug and cozy clothes, scarves, and boots. i need a new pair by the way.
one less excuse to shave, but then again one more HUGE excuse to start applying lotion everyday. poo.

that brief moment of wanting change will pass soon, and then i will be grumbling and moaning about the treacherous freeze that is going to fall upon us in no time at all.
and then be whining for summer breezes and short sleeves to come back.
but till then i will enjoy every moment of my non-shaving jumpers.

fish i got a plaid jumper and i LOVE it.... i was going to get another from old navy but restrained myself.


skim said...

haha i totally almost bought that jumper. i just got an oldnavy package today! whoo! boring though. 2 pairs of flats and a bunch of tights, because it's getting cold. haha. oh, and extra socks.

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