Tuesday, January 6, 2009

so i have some time now.
and here are some of my reflections on being a mother of five.... trial run.

i have always and still do want five kids, at least. and now experiencing this trail run of taking care of my five cousins for the next two weeks... prove to be an excellent trial run.

observation number one:
in the back of my mind, i am always thinking about is food... what to make next? can they eat it? how much to make? ingredients? so far i went to supertarget every day... because we were running out of milk, tomatoes... or now i need orange juice. what am i going to feed these kids? and these kids... bless their hearts eat ALOT. i love that... i hope that my future five children have healthy and hearty appetites.

observation number two:
i think my heart got bigger, to accommodate the hugs and kisses. i am not really a touchy touchy sort of person. but when it comes to little people, kisses and hugs are like life's bandaids and words of encouragements. i didn't think i could smooch those pudgy little cheeks or ask for "huggys"....

observation number three:
somehow when kids' daily lives are in your hands, you are in full alert mode. getting up at 6:30 every morning to wake up the little ones for school... so cute. their sleepy faces makes it worthwhile for me to drag myself out of warm bed, into dark cold air. besides in the morning i emptied the dishwasher, make breakfast, fed, washed the kids, wash last night pots and pans, make more breakfast for the older kids.... , find shoes, zip up jackets.. scurry off drop off point at school... so much to do in the morning. if i was in md right now, my sorry butt will still be in bed snoring away. plus, i had a dream last night that i had completely forgot to take elisha and eloise to school. and i woke up at 5:30 freakin out.

observation number four:
it's all good, having five kids. i love it. but realizing more and more, it is so necessary to have an OLDER aka.. father figure aka. husband person in the household. not that i don't feel safe with my other girl cousin and me, just i think i would feel more secure. and we def. had some moments of struggle with the uber large trashcans, getting lost, and opening spaghetti jars. NOT that i would ever have five kids without aka. a husband. but i didn't realize the important of having that "man of the household" thing, until now.

observation number five:
five seems like alot, but once you get used to it. well i am used to it now, a couple more would be totally fine with me. i don't think a couple more could hurt at all actually. it makes life more fun, and we were actually able to play games and have fun because we had enough people. therefore, five is beautiful. five plus two adults can fit into one minivan perfectly. but, i wouldn't totally NOT mind more.

observation number six:
i look like crap, but i don't care. it's all about practicality and comfort. sweats and glasses. i would rather have the kids looking neat and clean, than me. wierd...

i am done.. i am going to chill and play some DS.
tonights... dinner.... drumsticks. with roasted taters...and corn.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

haha FINALLY an update. sounds like you're having fun over there cousin! and dang...you don't even have kids yet and you're like supermom already hahaha