Monday, February 22, 2010


Essentially I have been meaning to write.
it was just last week where i sat at my computer, poised ready for rapid typing.
however it fell short, when i realized i hated my idea of "ABCs" of my life. realizing that the topics i wanted to write about were a bore, quite personal, and could be downright depressing.
maybe some other time.
so today was the start of first day of orientation.... after all the hooblah and drama over my nursing board exams... passing... all G-L-O-R-Y goes to GOD.

and then relishing my final week before orientation... which included loads of sleeping in, olympics, one 1000 piece puzzle, jewelery making, friends, food, cheesecake...and a fasting retreat.

i walk out of the house today in utter peace and confidence of what the next stage of my life will bring. it is so fresh...and new...and awesome. the best part about it is coming home... and NOT having to worry about a test/project/paper/reading/online discussions/ the evening belongs to me.

it is the honeymoon stage of adult life as i know it, and i am savoring every tasty moment.

more posts to come...

ps... about my guitaring. the guitar still stands untuned in the corner of my room. i have this morbid fear of trying to tune it. and having the string slice my finger or twang my eyeball out.
i am thinking of switching to something more a ukelele (sp?) cute and small with only four strings.
who knows.

rainy day... better than any snowy day.

signing out,
Sofia Kim, R (freaking) N. RN

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