Wednesday, January 20, 2010


i am suddenly feeling as if a giant cavemen has come out of the blue and punched me in the face with the stick of reality. the nclex is coming quite near and i ended up out of sheer nervousness delaying my test date from February 1st to the 5th.

i talked myself into this, because there were no other dates to reschedule to and i was sick for about three days. which meant that i lost about three precious days to cram even more crazy knowledge into my already overwhelmed brain.

in spite of all this nervousness and crazy, God has been telling me awesome stuff. that HE is BIGGER, the BIGGEST thing out there and that HE is on my SIDE. i was really wrestling with the whole issue of dropping the test date for another. praying about and trying not to take action because I want to be in control and not allowing God to be in utter and total control of my life.
in the end it seemed that God wanted me to know "it didn't really matter, what test date i chose"
assuming that FOUR extra days was NOT to make much of a difference on a human level. MY DADDY, MY GOD is on my side. it's in moments like this where i learn the most about surrendering to HIM.

"...The Lord is near. 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7


1 comment:

Ginger said...

i love that verse and i know you'll do GREAT.