Thursday, October 11, 2007

there's hope

i am currently dripping snot, loads and loads of snot from my already exhausted nose.

my nose is telling me that it is tired and wants to rest, but it has diarrhea. snot diarrhea, and so i try to comfort my nose with another blow of cheap, scratchy tissues and a dosage of airborne...
i don't think my nose appreciates the cheap, Giant brand of tissues; and tells me in a snooty way that i should have gotten the puffs brand. the kind with lotion...
oh well you can't please every part of your body, but i don't kinda feel sorry for it.

anyways.. i have an observation to make. have you noticed the flood of "hi- i am- an-ugly-duckling- and i am really smart and really kind...but kinda not attractive....and there is this really hot guy... who is equally smart and nice....but wait he thinks i am geek.... oh just give me a couple of months... a gay friend who happens to be a stylist...and then i will be made over..and drop dead gorgeous...and the really hot, smart, kind guy falls in love.. and realizes the love of his life was right under his nose...disguised as the ugly duckling......" sort of generic stories, that has been infiltrating through the media.

i am sick of them. just sick... and cuz i don't have a gay friend who happens to be a stylist. and i think i look pretty good for what i got... i mean not now.. with my spastic nose. really, i don't know why i was so swept away by such stories. in the end, those stories taught NOTHING. the freaking guy always notices her only after she gets that fabulous makeover. so in the end, who knows if the guy would have ever noticed her unless she had changed her outerness.

why couldn't the guy just like her, for her. or notice her for her. i guess society is trying with likes of hairspray and sorta of with ugly betty.... and of coarse shrek (but fiona was still pretty in real life....wait she's animated...okay as an equally pretty voice played by attractive cameron diaz)

just keep her ugly. the ultimate love story would have to be the hot to fall for the not so hot.

i suppose, i find some hope... yesterday i was watching "whose wedding is it anyway" it is a reality wedding show about wedding planners. and one of the couple was bi-racial. the girl really not being that attractive, the guy looking quite nice. but they were so in LOVE, he was all over her. and it was purely refreshing to see this very good looking guy, caress and hug and kiss.. this lady who was clearly overweight, baggy eyes... and know (sorry i am being so judgy...i am not that far off from this lady.)
but he loved her and cared for, and was ready to do anything for her.

giving me a thought that YES! guys like that do exsist. they are OUT there, and i don't have to be the freaking fashion magazine assistant, who magically fits into size 2 couture gowns.

i will be me and all of me. and i will or he will find me too (with loads of help from the BIG MAN himself).

the links and shreks do dwell among us... sometimes us girls just gotta quite looking so inwardly on how we ourselves might appear to a guy.

there is my rant... and my nose cries for she is deeply moved.

the wind is blowing....and today was the first day i shivered when i went outside.
i can't wait when it gets so cold, that it hurts to breathe...

i think my rant was a result because i miss boys.
nursing school doesn't provide much interaction....
and today the med students came to eat free lunch at our school, and i was scoping the scenery out. blue scrubs makes any guys look incredibly approachable... and kinda hot

1 comment:

skim said...

aw, boys.

but i'm not sure i believe in that storyline. that seems to be waaay the tiny exception and not the rule. like...i don't know a single real life couple like that. the hot basically never falls for the not-so-hot, so it's no wonder that story never makes it in the movies (except hairspray. even henry for betty isn't hot).

but i'm only talking about "hot" people. "cute" people is a whole new story. there are lots of nice cute guys to match nice cute girls like us. woohoo!!